The Exiled
Synopsis: After the imposition of the law known as the "varlik," Konstantinos Kiourktsoglou's life is completely overturned. His business and home are seized by the Turkish state. Unable to pay the tax amounting to 200,000 pounds, in January 1943, he finds himself on the road to exile along with other Greeks, Armenians, and Jews. Dragged into the depths of Anatolia, where he serves with minimal compensation, he desperately tries to repay the unbearable tax. However, the Property Law deprives them of any right to legal recourse. This desperate struggle for survival is captured in this documentary highlighting the untold hardships and the fight against injustice and oppression.
Director: Kalliopi Legaki
Music: Eleni Karaindrou
Historical Consultant: Irini Sarioglou
Production Studio: Hellenic History Foundation (IDISME)
Production Country: Greece
Release Year: 2013
The Exiled
Synopsis: After the imposition of the law known as the "varlik," Konstantinos Kiourktsoglou's life is completely overturned. His business and home are seized by the Turkish state. Unable to pay the tax amounting to 200,000 pounds, in January 1943, he finds himself on the road to exile along with ...